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tv   KPIX 5 News Early Edition  CBS  August 12, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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lawrence karnow. >> where did the week go?! and with to my vacation! good to be back. this morning, low clouds and fog and drizzle outside early on today. temperatures mainly in the 50s. we'll talk about the warmup coming up. >> traffic looking great over at the bay bridge toll plaza. the overnight roadwork picked up but there is a problem in the clearing stages on 280 in the portola valley area. a fatal accident happened overnight. they are in the process of clearing it from alpine road. i'll have details and more traffic coming up. breaking news, one man confirmed dead in the crash of a small party bus. the chp says the bus was headed northbound on 280 around 11 p.m., went off the road down an embankment. the driver took off. a man found nearby may be the
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driver. three northbound lanes are closed indefinitely on interstate 280 near the alpine road interchange. and for the second week in a row, the bay area last avoided a bart strike but with stalled negotiations it seems both sides aren't any closer to solving a dispute. sharon chin reports. >> reporter: union negotiators left at around 6:30 saying no talks happened at all. nothing in 5 1/2 hours. >> we would ideally like to settle this as soon as possible. >> reporter: minutes after union representatives took off, bart negotiators came back from a break. >> we gave them an offer last night waiting for a response. >> reporter: bart managers accuse the unions of walking out on the latest proposal introduced late saturday night for a 10% wage increase over four years and a reduced employee contribution to their pensions. >> i do believe it was a fair package for the union for the riders and for bart's long-term investment. >> reporter: but the unions say they refuse to consider
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proposals that don't address worker safety. >> there's insufficient lighting on the tracks both if the tunnels and in the stations themselves. there is human excrement and urine all over the system. >> reporter: a judge granted the governor's request for a 60- day cooling-off period. the injunction means no strike and no lockout before midnight october 10. bart's chief negotiator says his team will take a break. >> we have been at this since may 13. sometimes seven days a week. a break is needed. >> reporter: he wants to take a break. >> tom hock wants to take a break? i thought he already had a 10- day vacation. >> reporter: sharon chin kpix 5. >> both sides are still far apart by tens of millions of dollars. no new talks are scheduled for at least a few days. so what happens next? at least one bart director says bringing new faces to the bargaining table could kick- start the talks. >> a lot of experience we can
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give to the negotiators to kind of tell them how to navigate the labrynth. >> he believes it's time for the bart board of directors to step in but the board decided against it. the "san francisco chronicle" political reporter joe garifoli says while governor jerry brown ordered the cooling-off period he could do more. >> he hasn't personally been involved. maybe he is the person to do this because he is sort of the universal respect from both sides and we'll see. >> the polls may show politicians constituents are in favor of bart. people near tahoe may soon be seeing smoke from a wildfire in placer county. the american fire started saturday afternoon in a heavily wooded area with very steep terrain near the tahoe national
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forest. it burned 800 acres. no containment. smoke is apparently visible from i-80 near tahoe. the cause of the fire is under investigation. firefighters in riverside county are gaining ground on the destructive silver fire. they say the flames have stopped advancing and they are now 90% contained. at this rate the fire is expected to be fully contained today. that silver fire burned 26 homes and threatened more than 500 others. 10 firefighters were hurt and nearly 2,000 people had to evacuate their homes. cars tumbled down a hill in a deadly colorado flood friday night. authorities found two people who were reported missing after this mud slide. another woman is still missing. one person is declared dead. six houses were destroyed. more than 30 others damaged. 4:34. our first full check of weather and back from the sierra after catching a lot of fish. lawrence karnow is in the
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house. >> thank you very much. back up from the mammoth lakes area. what a beautiful time of year to visit that part of the state. low clouds and fog, drizzle and patchy fog inside the bay in some of the valleys, as well. temperatures in the 50s and a few 60s outside right now. throughout the day today, we'll watch the clouds beginning to break up the fog hug the coastline. you will see plenty of sunshine in the valleys 68 in oakland. 64 degrees. partly cloudy skies in san francisco. let's check in with liza battalones for traffic. >> welcome back, lawrence. good morning, everybody. we'll start off with the 280 commute in the portola valley area. et fatal accident overnight northbound 280 multiple lanes shut down near alpine road in
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portola valley. a party bus blocking three lanes of traffic: we'll let you know when all lanes will reopen. if you are a bart rider no bart strike. they are offering full service this morning. no delays for bart, ace, muni and caltrain. those are the highlights for your monday commute. 4:36. family members say the san diego county teen who was missing for almost a week has finally been reunited with her father. hannah anderson was rescued over the weekend in idaho after law enforcement shot and killed her kidnapper. cbs news' marlie hall has reaction from the teen's grandparents. >> reporter: after nearly a week of worry, ralph and sarah brit will soon be reunited with their granddaughter. >> we're going to hug her and never let go. >> reporter: the six-day ordeal ended saturday night in central idaho. fbi agents rests skewed hannah anderson and shot and killed her alleged kidnapper, james lee dimaggio. >> the way it ended up through
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both hannah and jim, it's fitting. >> reporter: the family is relieved she is okay but a week ago they lost their daughter and grandson. the two bodies were found in dimaggio's burned california home. that's when authorities believe he fled san diego with hannah. law enforcement officials tracked the two to a remote area of central idaho after a tip from four horseback riders who reported they saw a man and young girl who looked out of place. >> an amber alert was on the television and i told my wife, i said, that is that girl we seen on the mountain. >> reporter: authorities found dimaggio's car friday hidden under twiggs and laws in the idaho wilderness and then they spotted hannah and dimaggio from the air. the helicopter dropped fbi agents for a two-hour hike to the pair's campsite. they approached on foot, waited until they separated, then shot and killed the suspect. fbi agents are still processing
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evidence. they say they won't release additional details about what happened between dimaggio and law enforcement until an investigation is complete. marlie hall, kpix 5. >> after the rescue, hannah anderson was airlifted to a hospital for evaluation. authorities say she appears unharmed. developing news in egypt. security forces are threatening to move in on two campsites where supporters of ousted president mohamed morsi are gathered. they have been camped out there in protest for weeks. security officials said they would clear out the camps as early as today but so far, no movement. more than 250 people have been killed in clashes since morsi was ousted last month. lightning is the cause of this fire at an oil refinery in venezuela. you can see the thick, black smoke rising. officials say lightning bolts ignited a storage tank there. no one was hurt. the same area has had several accidents like this in recent years. the father of former nsa contractor edward snowden says he has a visa now so he can
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visit his son in russia. as susan mcginnis reports, he wants to help his son fight the charges he faces back here in the u.s. reporter: edward snowden's father wants his son to have his day in american court. >> where my son chooses to live is his decision but i would like him to be able to come back to the u.s. because i believe that the truth will shine through. >> reporter: lon snowden plans to meet his son in moscow to discuss ways to fight the charges against the former government contractor. the 30-year-old has been granted asylum in russia for one year. his father is not open to a plea deal. >> the only deal will be true justice. >> reporter: snowden is accused of leaking classified nsa information. his revelations have sparked debate about u.s. spying practice and late last week, president obama announced plans to make the programs more transparent and accountable. >> some steps to make americans more comfortable will actually make americans less safe.
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>> reporter: republican congressman peter king says surveillance is a legitimate role of government. >> what we're talking about life and death and having lived in new york through 9/11 i know what life and death means. we cannot have this become a debating society. we need decisions made quickly yes, no, up and down. lives are the a are at stake. >> reporter: susan mcginnis, cbs . >> lon snowden hasn't spoken with his son since he left the u.s. there may be changes to the federal criminal justice system. the proposals include scaling back prison sentences for some drug-related crimes and releasing more elderly nonviolent offenders. federal prisons are 40% above capacity. former secretary of state hillary clinton will be at the
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conference. later on this afternoon she will be awarded the american bar association medal the highest honor of the association. it is 4:41. it was a risky and unorthodox protest but now a group of young immigration activists are free after spending 16 days in jail. the group is hugging friends and family. the dream 9 were arrested last month after crossing the border of mexico and arizona without documentation. they wanted to highlight an immigration system that's broken. >> it's not about asylum. it's not about humanitarianism. it's about opening the door so that everybody is included. >> all nine were illegally brought into the country by their parents as children. they say they are american in every sense of the word except for their legal status. immigration authorities will determine if they will be deported to their country where
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they were born. that's president obama chipping on after a week-long vacation in martha's vineyard yesterday just began alongside some of his white house staffers. the president and first lady arrived on the island for vacation on saturday. mr. obama has no public appearances planned this week but will receive daily briefings and a lot of calls. >> that makes me want to take a vacation. cash, plastic and your face. >> it's entertainment to some but a pain to others. the ups and downs of this year's outside lands festival. coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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"great sand sculpture conte" in long beach. the event drs in professional and amateur you are looking at moby dick made of sand. this is one of entries at a sand sculpture contest in long beach. it draws in amateur and professionals every year. this weekend's contest carried a literary theme. the money raised goes to the long beach library foundation. europe's top surfers medical in munich for the third annual stationary wave riding contest. >> germany? organizers say this is the world's largest artificial wave. a 32-foot-wide and five feet
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high wave. this year for the first time surfers performed rides and tricks. they were judged on diversity, control, style and creativity. the winner gets about $13,000. kind of fun. >> the winner should get a ticket to california where they could really get on the waves. >> let's go to lawrence karnow -- >> two to three-foot wave. that's not a five-foot wave. get them in cold california water. see what happens! pontificated enough. [ laughter ] sunshine coming our way but fog this morning and drizzle first as you approach the coastline. temperatures mainly in the 50s although we have seen some places sneaking into the 60s early on. this afternoon sunny 80s inland. sunshine and clouds inside the bay a lot of 60s and clouds lingering at the coastline with some low 60s. next couple of days we have some changes in the works. high pressure sneaking back in this afternoon. so more seasonal weather ahead
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for the bay area as temperatures warm up a few degrees no major heat wave on the horizon but the numbers will come up. smoke and haze from the fire in lake tahoe. numbers in the 70s. south bay 77 degrees expected in san jose. 61 pacifica. east bay numbers running up into the 70s and a few 80s. then inside the bay cooler 64 degrees in san francisco and about 60 and cloudy into daly city. next couple of days, we are going to watch those temperatures warming back up. some numbers sneaking back into the low 90s. looks like we'll cool down slightly towards the weekend. let's check the roads with liza battalones. >> we have better news now for 280 in the portola valley area. that accident from overnight is cleared up and all lanes are open northbound 280 approaching alpine. all lanes open and traffic flowing well in both directions of both 280 and 101 getting to and through the peninsula.
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bart riders breathing a sigh of relief. governor jerry brown ordered a 60-day cooling-off period. no strike today. all mass transit is on time. you can see all the green westbound 580 fine between north flynn and livermore valley. we have a little slow traffic. you can see the yellow there for eastbound 580 approaching grant line and the bay bridge commute so far, so good all overnight roadwork has been picked up and looks like we have a delay in at least a couple of the cash lanes but boy and large a good start to the monday morning commute. again, all lanes are now open along 280 in portola valley. the san mateo bridge westbound traffic still trouble-free at the toll plaza. that's moving at the speed limit all the way across the bridge towards foster city. this year's outside lands festival is in the book after three days of music and fun, san francisco is millions of dollars richer and as our don knapp tells us people 30 live
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near the concert site are please -- people who live near the concert site are pleased to have their quiet neighborhoods back. >> come on, all the way to the left guys! >> reporter: the appeal is immense, 65,000 people a day streaming into golden gate park for the outside lands concerts. nearly 200,000 over three days. >> it's just an amazing time in the park. like with all this music it's so good. >> reporter: the bryce 250 bucks a pop a -- the price, 250 bucks a pop. a bargain. paul mccartney had the crowd in tears on the first night but the success of the concert brings a downside, high volumes of music, crowds and cars. >> friday night when i come home, it took me almost an hour and a half to find parking. >> reporter: besides the loss of parking spaces, some neighbors complain about the foot traffic and the music pumped out of powerful speakers over surrounding neighborhoods. >> we understand that there's an impact to this event and we're doing everything we can to mitigate that impact. >> reporter: danny grog a father of two small children takes it in stride.
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>> i'm sure it's just a matter of opinion whether you like it. sure, it's paul mccartney and red hot chili peppers and most of it is in the afternoon. >> reporter: the success is that it's all kinds of music and all kinds of fans. while neighbors may complain about the volume and parking and trash, everyone says the crowd here is well behaved. what do you have to say to the folks at home? >> we wish you were here! >> reporter: while there is an impact on some neighborhoods, for everyone else it's fun, music and money for the city. >> in 2011 we brought in $60 million annually to san francisco. >> reporter: in san francisco, don knapp, kpix 5. >> promoters said it took almost three years to get paul mccartney here and there are already working for another big name next year. investors will get a string of economic reports in the coming days. they include the latest numbers on retail sales construction and consumer spending. on friday stocks dropped capping one of the worst weeks
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for the market since june. the dow fell 73 points. nasdaq down 9 points lower on friday. college students will be paying less interest this fall. president obama signing a bill friday restoring lower interest rates on college loans. rates jumped last month after congress failed to reach a deal. new compromise is expected to save the average college student about $1,500 in interest charges. if you filled your tank lately, you noticed the price of gas is down a bit. that's because refiners are apparently overproducing gas and slashing their wholesale prices. the average u.s. cost for a gallon of gas has dropped 8 cents over the past two weeks. for regular it is now $3.55. in california the average is $3.90. in san jose the surprise $3.86. and in san francisco, it's $3.98. you may soon be able to pay for things with your face. it's true. paypal is using this yogurt shop in london to try out a smartphone system that uses facial recognition software. the app links directly to
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customer accounts and when the system recognizes the customer's face it withdraws the funds from your account. the idea is to create an alternative to using debit and credit cards. >> like a thumbprint or fingerprint. it doesn't change over time so in they have your picture now they could match that with the real you in five years' time using the same picture. bank details and addresses may change but your thumbprint and your face geometry doesn't change. >> the company hopes to expand testing the technology in other countries such as the united states. she may not be just cold and lonely lovely work of art now there could be a real person behind the mona lisa's famous smile. scientists opened a tomb in florence containing a family of merchants and are testing dna on one of the bodies now. the merchant's wife has long been considered the model for the da vinci painting. the remains may be among the skeletons found at a convent last year. scientists will compare dna
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samples from the tomb to those skeletons. they may have found the real mona lisa. time is 4:52. a child makes a gem of a find while traveling at a state park. why he gets to keep it all to himself next. >> and the science fiction thriller "-- [ commercial ]
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time to check out your microclimate forecast. walnut creek, sunshine this afternoon, mild temperatures, 80s, warmer tomorrow. >> traffic wide open over at the bay bridge toll plaza. we do have tollbooth number 11 still shut down and it's expected to be closed for another few more minutes and all bart trains are running this morning with no delays. i'll have another look at your drive into work in a few
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minutes. 4:54 now. the science fiction thriller alistium topped the weekend box office with more than 30 million in ticket sales. it was enough to beat three newcomers including the jennifer aniston comedy we're the millers in second place. bottle along the southern california coast is creating some intrigue. stefanie strobel says she f the bottle while picki a message in a bottle along the southern california coast is causing intrigue. this is interesting. a girl says she found it while picking up trash along hermosa beach. inside the bottle several messages written in german and they seem to be handwritten bay different people. she took the messages to a nearby hostel where three german students translated the notes for her. >> they are messages that will
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wishes for your 60th birthday to inez and rutiger. i would love to find them. >> she says the contents of the notes were all over the map. some wishing someone health, grandchildren and success at bingo to someone's hope for no more radioactive accidents. now to another find. a 5.16-carat honey brown diamond was among the rocks at an arkansas state park. a 12-year-old boy found it. the park is named crater of the diamonds state park. this is the 328th diamond found this year by a visitor. they say what visitors find is theirs to keep. planning atrip to that park. >> let's go. 4:56. urgency gone. bart trains are running but can a deal be reached in the next 60 days? >> breaking news. a party bus crash the search for the driver this morning.
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we have a crew live at the scene. we'll have a report coming up next.
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we would ideally like to settle this as soon as possible. >> a bart strike averted for 60 days but negotiations have come to a screeching halt. >> a break is definitely needed. >> tom hock wants to take a break? i thought he already took a 10- day vacation. >> a teen reunited with her family. >> i told my wife that's that girl we seen on the mountain. >> the pair was spotted camping in the remote mountains of idaho saturday. >> egyptian police threaten to take actions against supporters of ousted president morsi. >> we could see an eruption of bloodshed that would be horrendous. >> the only deal will be true justice. >> reporter: the father of edward snowden plans to visit moscow. >> edward snowden's father
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wants his son to have his day in american courts. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning. captions by: caption colorado >> good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec. michelle griego is off. we have a warmup in store finally. let's check traffic and weather. >> we are going to crank up the temperatures but not starting today. clouds along the bay and the coastline and the valleys. temperatures in the 50s and drizzle at the coastline. we have the fog that's hugging the coastline that's going to slowly break up today and move back toward the coastline. these numbers still a bit cool running slightly below average but not bad. should be about 85 in livermore. about 64 degrees in san francisco. and about 83 degrees in concord. but


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